Plant based diets are by far better for you than one that includes flesh foods, especially beef and are also so much kinder to our planet.  They fit into the Giving Nature philosophy and PATHS perfectly.

Over the years, there has been a lot of discussion as to what can be considered a “Plant Based Diet” .  In 2016 The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics weighed in on the matter and recognized the following six types of diets as Plant Based.

Type of Diet                                      Nature of Diet (Devoid of flesh foods)

Vegetarian                                         May or may not include egg or dairy                                            products

Lac-to-ovo-vegetarian                      Includes eggs and dairy products

Lacto-Vegetarian                              Includes dairy products, but not egg products

Ovo-vegetarian                                 Includes eggs and egg products but no dairy

Vegan                                                  Excludes eggs and dairy productsand may exclude honey

Raw Vegan                                          Based on vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds, legumes and sprouted                                                                                grains.  The amount of uncooked food varies from 75% to 100


As you can see, there is an array you can choose from and each has their ardent supporters.  But what they all share in common is the absence of flesh foods from the diet.  Beef in particular is considered the worse for your health and the environment.

You may feel, at least when getting started on your PATHS Journey, that you can’t commit to any of these and thats fine.  In fact, you may never do so. Just being aware of your food choices will guide you to practice something from all of these types at one time or another without you even knowing it and you’ll be able to appreciate the benefit of each as your awareness grows.